
Pozivamo vas ne predavanje prof. Sebastiana Seunga (MIT) koje će se održati u u okviru Seminara za teoriju odlučivanja i Hrvatskog biofizičkog društva

Dr. Seung is Professor of Computational Neuroscience in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and the Department of Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Adjunct Assistant Neurobiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. He studied theoretical physics with David Nelson at Harvard University and completed postdoctoral training with Haim Sompolinsky at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before joining the MIT faculty, he was a member of the Theoretical Physics Department at Bell Laboratories. He is a Sloan Research Fellow, a Packard Fellow, and a McKnight Scholar.

Kolokvij Seminara za teoriju odlučivanja i Hrvatskog biofizičkog društva