Procedure and criteria for awarding financial support for participation in conferences in biophysics (school / workshop / conference)


  • Members apply in the first quarter of the calendar year
  • The Board reviews applications and makes decisions
  • The results of the competition are published on the associoation’s website


  • CV
  • Application with clear arguments why the scholarship is necessary, the domain of the presented work and the domain of the conference / school / workshop must overlap
  • Abstract of the paper to be presented at the conference
  • Confirmation that the candidate has applied for a scholarship from umbrella organizations / conference organizers
  • List and approximate amount of scholarships received by the candidate and from which entity, in the previous three-year period
  • Letter of recommendation from a renowned scientist in the relevant field of biophysics


  • Regular payment of HBD membership fee
  • Doctoral students have an advantage
  • The quality and relevance of the work they will present

Candidates who have had the lowest number of HBD scholarships won in the previous three years have an advantage.